sexta-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2010

Manuela Aguiar Na Universidade da Califórnia - Berkeley

A convite da Comissão de organização das comemoraçõesdo Centenário da República Portuguesa na Universidade de Berkeley, Manuela Aguiar, na qualidade de fundadora e membro da "Associação Mulher Migrante", falará sobre a primeira República no feminino.
Título da sua intervenção:
"Republican Women 1910: out of the shadows".
Eis o programa completo:

The Republic of Portugal
Its Tradition, Achievements, and Future
A Conference on its Hundredth Anniversary

presented by the
Portuguese Studies Program, University of California, Berkeley

March 12 -13, 2010

Maude Fife Room
315 Wheeler Hall

Friday March 12
9:00 Opening ceremony
George W. Breslauer,
Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost, University of California, Berkeley
The Portuguese Republic of 1910 Chair Don Warrin
9:30 Richard Herr, University of California, Berkeley
What was Meant by a Republic in 1910
Susana Goulart Costa, Universidade dos Açores
Politics and the Azorean Church under the First Republic
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 Pedro Tavares de Almeida, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Electoral Politics and Elite Recruitment in the First Portuguese Republic
Stanley Payne, University of Wisconsin
Portugal's First Republic in the Perspective of World War I and Interwar

From the First to the Second Republic Chair Candace Slater
1:45 Douglas Wheeler, University of New Hampshire
Whose Republic was it? A meditation on Historical Interpretations of
Portugal's First Republic since the 1974-75 Revolution
Rui Feijó, Universidade Aperta, Lisbon
Representation, Participation, and the Resilience of Political Institutions in the First and Second Republics
3:00 Coffee break
3:30 Maria Inacia Rezola, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
The Portuguese Transition to Democracy
António Costa Pinto, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Universidade de Lisboa
The Making of Contemporary Portuguese Democracy

Saturday, March 12
Welfare and Women Chair Orlanda Azevedo
9:00 Miguel Glatzer, University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth
The development of the Portuguese Welfare State
Maria de Jesús Barroso, Pro Dignitate Fundacao de Direitos Humanos
The Function of Portugal’s First Lady
10:15 Coffee break
10:45 Manuela Aguiar, Associação da Mulher Migrante
Republican Women 1910 – out of the shadows
Deolinda Adao, Portuguese Studies Program and Luso-American
Education Foundation
Portuguese Women Writers: controlled, silenced, or otherwise ignored voices
Economy and Environment Chair Keith Gilless
2:00 Luis Campos e Cunha, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Portugal: an island returns to the shore
Dana Redford, Portuguese Studies Program and Universidade de Lisboa
Business and Commerce in Portugal Today
3:00 Coffee break
3:30 Matt Kondolf, University of California, Berkeley
The Environment in Portugal

General discussion

This conference is sponsored by the Comissão Nacional para as Comemorações do Centenário da República, the Fundação Luso-Americana, Lisbon; the Consul-General of Portugal in San Francisco: the Luso-American Education Foundation, Dublin, California; and from the University of California, Berkeley: the Portuguese Studies Program, the Townsend Center, and the Dean of Social Sciences

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